Yesterday we celebrated Sandra's birthday. She turned...another year younger :)
It was a surprise party that had a few of our friends over to our apartment for dinner and games. Overall, it was a great end to birthday week.
We also celebrated the passover this past Sunday. Our small church, think Sunday school class, held a Seder dinner. It was the first time that I have had the pleasure of celebrating this is such a fashion. It was very cool to see all of the symbolism that was in place for this meal to remind us of a few of the great and wondrous works that our mighty God has performed. Again, a very cool experience.
School is winding down on the calender, which means the assignments are just cranking up. Hopefully I will come through with flying colors. I would hate for my last semester to be the exception. I'm also trying to find a job at the same time. This is not easy in Michigan, but apparently is very easy if you are in Kansas. I already have an interview in Kansas, but have heard nothing from Michigan. I've only seen one opening thus far, but hopefully there will be a few more before not too long!