January is now in the books so it's time to review to see where I'm at on the status of my 2013 goals:
#1) To run 85% of all available days
I was doing great on this until this past week. It's tough to run AND be in charge of softball conditioning at the same time. I ran 25 of the 31 days that January offers. That's 80.6% I'm close but need to get better at the consistency. No large cycles of laziness!
#2) Get back down to "competition weight
The consistency of running alone has helped. Also not having the big holiday meals around helps too. I lost exactly 10 pounds in January which better than my expected pace. Goal for Febraury: 4 lbs closer to race weight
#3) To run a sub-20:00 5k
This doesn't happen overnight people, but both #1 and #2 are contributing variables in making #3 happen. I'm getting closer every day, but >20 is going to be tough. That last minute is going to be HARD to drop I think
#4) Take another grad class
I haven't done much here, but I know I have two strong options to look at I think. I just need to decide which to go after, look up deadlines and make it happen!
#5) Finish the guest bedroom
Sandra and I have agreed on a color :) I think we both really like it too. MAYBE I'll start on it during spring break. Any volunteers to help?
#6) Read 3000 pages this year.
I started out with a bang, and then the business of being a teacher and coach has slowed me down a bit lately. I read one book and have started 2 others. Good for a total of 244 pages. Not too far off the goal if you extrapolate that, but I still need to step it up a bit
#7) Cleaning the basement
The unfinished side is quite a bit cleaner now. I have to work on the finished side as well though. Sandra's craft corner has turned into a craft hemisphere so we need to figure out a way to clean and organize, but retain easy access
#8) Trombone practicing
Ugh! I haven't touched in once yet. I played the guitar once for an evening and it put Josiah to sleep. I really doubt the trombone will have that effect. No, the opposite is probably the most likely outcome. Maybe it's time to get my Silent Brass mute out again
#9) Have athletes compete at state
Another work in progress that doesn't happen overnight. I need to start reviewing my summer running schedules that I hand out AND plan on when the team can get together and train this summer.
#10) More family time.
We've done a few things this month that include: eating breakfast at IHOP together ( family date), shopping at the Legends when it was warm and attending a CRAZY high school bowling tournament together. Also quite a few evenings that are spent at home without the t.v. on (our t.v. is hard to watch anyway b/c it's so little)
There's work to do, but I don't think I'm too far off track. Just got to keep pushing if I'm going to make 2013 awesome!