Monday, December 10, 2007

Overdue update

Wow! It's been waaay too long since I've written an update on here. So without further ado:

A lot has taken place since the marathon. Sandra and I have officially take over as the leaders of our small church. (Think Sunday school class size, but actually functions as a little church). With this comes many new responsibilities but we think it will be a great learning experience.

We also traveled back to Kansas for Thanksgiving to be with both of our families and I've turned another year older!

Table 1

Table 2

The "kids" going bowling Thanksgiving night!

This past weekend, Sandra and I celebrated the holiday season by having a traditional Thanksgiving-style meal with two Chinese friends, Xiung and Bai Lu. It was our first attempt at such a meal and it turned out pretty darn good. We had a great time spending time with them and talking about cultural differences and the origins of each others' different celebrations.

Sandra looking for treasure inside Tom

The final product!


Isaac Johnson said...

Wow, congrats on your leadership role! I hope and pray God blesses you guys with a fruitful ministry! Also, the turkey looks pretty awesome.

Unknown said...

One can never have too many Thanksgiving dinners. You prepared a fine looking bird, also.