Monday, July 01, 2013

A busy June '13 update

June. Whew! What a month! Crazy busy. SO much took place, yet to others on the outside, it may seem like nothing eventful took place. To me though, June was fun AND BUSY!


Josiah turned 10 months old! He also learned to wave, give "low fives," sprouted a few tooth buds and learned how to feed himself....kind of.

We also worked on our house a bit, started harvesting from the garden, went to theater in the park, visited Diana Rose Farmstead, celebrated our 8th anniversary, I got strep throat, saw Huey Lewis and the news in concert and I helped out with VBS.

I told you it was busy!

The end of a month also means it time for a goals update. I do this for myself for reflection on how the month went, accountability to keep me pushing towards my goals and to help stay focused. we go!

#1) Running Frequency (85% of all days)

May was awesome. The previous 2 months, not so much :(

I ran 24 out of 30 days in June. I was doing well, and then strep throat hit. Blah! I didn't help my running percentage much as I only ran 80% of the available days that June had to offer. That brings my 2013 total up to 

I did get in 145 miles though. Again, that was an increase over the previous month so I can't complain about that

#2) Goal Weight

Down another 1.5 pounds for the month. Still right on track. I only have 5 pounds to go!
#3) 20:00 5k

I still have a ways to go here, but this week I should find out exactly how close I am. I'm hoping to break 21:00, but as long as I'm low 21's I won't be disappointed yet. It's a work in progress for sure!

#4) Grad Class

 I am continuing to save money for this though so it might sill happen. Life happens a bit too fast for me though sometimes and some things have to be sacrificed. It could still happen before the year is up though

#5) Finish the guest room (pictures forth coming)
 Officially done! Just have to move the furniture back in :)
#6) Reading 3000 pages this year

326 pages read this month. It's slow going, especially when I'm not reading Clifford the Big Red Dog anymore. I'm up to 1030 pages for the year. Still, I'm not on pace yet, but getting closer each day to getting back to the pace I need to be on. Maybe I'll do an easy read for a change (no, still no Clifford) 

#7) Clean the Basement

#8) Trombone Practicing


#9) Athletes at State

Trying to help motivate my XC runners via Face Book. Hopefully it's working a bit. State athletes are developed during the off season for sure! 

#10) Family Time

Playing in the park! Again, going to see Huey Lewis and the News and visiting Deanna Rose Farmstead. Laying on the floor for impromptu tickle fights, running early in the morning to free up more time during the day. Evenings watching classic t.v. shows on Sunday nights, cookouts, etc. 

Sunday, June 02, 2013

May goals update

There's a reason I haven't revisited my goals for 2013 for a few months. It's because I was doing a poor job of moving towards them. March and April were horrible. Trying to manage and motivate the varsity softball team was tough this year because it seemed like it rained every day. We couldn't get outside on most days and it seemed like we were never going to get any games in!

All that aside, May went well and so now I'm trying to bounce back on these goals. I can see the need for continued revisiting as a reminder of what I want 2013 to look like.

#1) Running Frequency (85% of all days)

May was awesome. The previous 2 months, not so much :(

I ran 30 out of 31 days in May. I had a mini-streak of 23 days straight. So yes, I missed a day. Grr!
My frequency for May was 96.7% That brings me up to 69.5% for the year. A far cry from where I want to be but another month or two like May and I should be back to where I want to be!

FYI, during May I ran 138 miles. That makes an average of 4.6 miles per day ran. Getting better!

#2) Goal Weight

Most of May I did awesome at this, I was down about 2 pounds (exactly on track) and then Memorial Day weekend happened. Ugh!

#3) 20:00 5k

The variables that contribute to this are looking nice right now. I wouldn't be able to do it right now, but  in July I'll be entering at least 1 5k, hopefully 2 to determine exactly where I'm at. 2 speed workouts a week though is helping. I'm putting up workouts that I haven't done in several years. All mostly pain free! Speed workouts, along with progress on goals #1 and #2 will get me there....hopefully!

#4) Grad Class

Hmm.....not so much. I am continuing to save money for this though so it might sill happen. Life happens a bit too fast for me though sometimes and some things have to be sacrificed. It could still happen before the year is up though

#5) Finish the guest room

Getting ready to start this one. No really! Sandra and I have started to cart things out of the room and have made a few purchases. This week we should get crackin' on it!

#6) Reading 3000 pages this year

Again, this spring was tough. I'm up to 712 pages read for the year though and crashing through a lot more right now :) Fun times!

#7) Clean the Basement

The finished side is looking clean! It's oped for guests if anyone needs a place in KC :)

#8) Trombone Practicing

I forgot this was a goal even. Oh geesh!

#9) Athletes at State

Hopefully I have some runners getting ready to start running this week. I have some quality talent this year, but potential only goes so far. At some point kids have to run over the summer. They have to if they want to be successful. We've talked some about making goals and trying to work towards those goals. I've made a FB page to communicate better and hopefully motivate them and encourage them as well. Some have a goal of state. Some have a goal of finishing a race. THIS is why I love XC. It's about setting appropriate goals, putting in the work and seeing the results. LOVE IT!

#10) Family Time

Memorial Day is all about family time! So this was easy during May. Time slows down in Caney, KS and allows for time to play with family members at parks, in the yard, etc. With a baby and his three young cousins, there is no shortage of people to play with :)

We also went out and watched Sumner's girls soccer team play a bit. That was super fun, even though they lost. Outings look different sometimes for teachers. They look like supporting and cheering on students. I really like this part of my job, seeing them work hard and compete. Now, if only I can get them to do that in all phases of their life. Grades! *cough* *cough*

Lastly, thanks to the baby sitting talents of Pam and Kent, Sandra and I.....wait for it...actually went out on a date WITHOUT Josiah. It's the first time that we had done that since December. Whoa!

We ate at Arthur Bryant's and finally watched Iron Man 3. Good times!

Friday, February 01, 2013

Goal Check

January is now in the books so it's time to review to see where I'm at on the status of my 2013 goals:

#1) To run 85% of all available days
I was doing great on this until this past week. It's tough to run AND be in charge of softball conditioning at the same time. I ran 25 of the 31 days that January offers. That's 80.6% I'm close but need to get better at the consistency. No large cycles of laziness!

#2) Get back down to "competition weight
The consistency of running alone has helped. Also not having the big holiday meals around helps too. I lost exactly 10 pounds in January which better than my expected pace. Goal for Febraury: 4 lbs closer to race weight

#3) To run a sub-20:00 5k
This doesn't happen overnight people, but both #1 and #2 are contributing variables in making #3 happen. I'm getting closer every day, but >20 is going to be tough. That last minute is going to be HARD to drop I think

#4) Take another grad class
I haven't done much here, but I know I have two strong options to look at I think. I just need to decide which to go after, look up deadlines and make it happen!

#5) Finish the guest bedroom
Sandra and I have agreed on a color :) I think we both really like it too. MAYBE I'll start on it during spring break. Any volunteers to help?

#6) Read 3000 pages this year.

I started out with a bang, and then the business of being a teacher and coach has slowed me down a bit lately. I read one book and have started 2 others. Good for a total of 244 pages. Not too far off the goal if you extrapolate that, but I still need to step it up a bit

#7) Cleaning the basement

The unfinished side is quite a bit cleaner now. I have to work on the finished side as well though. Sandra's craft corner has turned into a craft hemisphere so we need to figure out a way to clean and organize, but retain easy access

#8) Trombone practicing

Ugh! I haven't touched in once yet. I played the guitar once for an evening and it put Josiah to sleep. I really doubt the trombone will have that effect. No, the opposite is probably the most likely outcome. Maybe it's time to get my Silent Brass mute out again

#9) Have athletes compete at state

Another work in progress that doesn't happen overnight. I need to start reviewing my summer running schedules that I hand out AND plan on when the team can get together and train this summer.

#10) More family time.

We've done a few things this month that include: eating breakfast at IHOP together ( family date), shopping at the Legends when it was warm and attending a CRAZY high school bowling tournament together. Also quite a few evenings that are spent at home without the t.v. on (our t.v. is hard to watch anyway b/c it's so little)

There's work to do, but I don't think I'm too far off track. Just got to keep pushing if I'm going to make 2013 awesome!


Monday, January 14, 2013

2013 Goals

I'm not big into resolutions. I don't want to "be a better person." Actually I do, but I'm much more of a concrete person than that so I need a few, very focused goals to work on in order to do this. So, although a bit late, here are my 2013 goals.

1) Run 85% of the days of 2013. That comes out to be a total of 311 days this year. Or roughly 6/7
    days on average.

2) Get back down to race weight. With the injury that I sustained last summer, my weight went waaaay
     past competition weight. I'm working to get back down to where I need to be. I have numbers
     attached to this goal, but I'm not sharing those :p

3) I would also like to run a sub-20 minute 5k this year. With the past seven years of focusing on the
    marathon I've gotten away from being able to run a solid 5k. My XC runners have inspired me to get
    faster so I can push them just a bit this year.

4) I want to take at least 1 grad class this year. The biggest question here is where and what in.

5) Finish the guest bedroom in our house. That implies that at some point I need to start too, eh?

6) Read 3000 pages this year. Sounds like a big number, but really it's less than 10 a day right?

7) I also want to clean up the basement so that it's an empty palate. Ready for someone who's smarter
     than me to tell me what to do with it.

8) Practice my trombone more.

9) Have athletes compete at state.

10) Spend more time with the family. Our kiddo is already growing up SO fast. I need to stay on top of
     grading papers, planning, etc, to free up time for this goal and other goals to happen!

That's the list. I'll check in from time to time to update you on how I'm doing