Saturday, January 16, 2010


As I've watched society over the years, especially children, I've come to realize that everyone has a hero in their life. It may be a family member or someone famous on television, probably an athelete. The question is "What do you do when your hero fails?" At a younger age, my hero was Earvin "Magic" Johnson. I learned at an early age that you cannot put your trust in earthly heroes. They will fail you. Unlike the movies, your hero will not always come in in the nick of time to save the day.

Many people have had to learn that lesson as of late. Maybe their hero was Tiger Woods or Mark McGwire. For different reasons, their hero status has been not just tarnished, but destroyed. So what is one to do? I believe we all have a place for heroes in our heart that wants to be filled. Everybody wants someone to believe and hope in, but even if they come through this time, chances are they won't do it the next.

Again, I lost my hero at an early age, for which I am so thankful. I learned that what I thought was great is actually rubbish. So, I found the best hero of all, Jesus Christ. He was and is the perfect hero. He never did anything wrong. He was 100% pure truth. He always put others before himself and I don't have to worry about His latest scandal. So rather than to put your trust in the vice-ridden athlete, or the disfunctional family member, put your trust in the ultimate hero, Jesus!

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